Nothing but migration?
Agenda setting and the pressure on democracy

Shakuntala Banerjee
Head of the ZDF main editorial office for politics and current affairs

Prof. Dr. Nayla Fawzi
Communication scientist specialising in democracy and digital communication at the Institute for Journalism Studies at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Christiane Hoffmann
First Deputy Government Spokeswoman and First Deputy Head of the Press and Information Office of the Federal Government

Dr. Leonard Novy
Journalist and Director of the Institute for Media and Communication Policy, Cologne/Berlin

Dr. Julia Reuschenbach
Political scientist at the Otto Suhr Institute, Free University of Berlin

Jona Teichmann
Programme Director Deutschlandradio

Jennifer Wilton
Editor-in-chief of DIE WELT
Header: lapandr, iStockphoto
Stefan Brandenburg: WDR/Linda Meiers
Stefan Locke: F.A.Z.
Leonard Novy: Nin Solis
Marcus Maurer: Petra A. Killick
Bettina Schausten: ZDF/Marcus Hoehn
Nadia Zaboura: Lars Weber