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Informationen am Morgen: Chemnitz from a Jewish perspective
Nomination 2019
European CIVIS Radio Prize – short programmes
Author: | Sebastian Engelbrecht |
Editorial: | Sandra Schulz |
Demonstrations by outraged neo-Nazis and right-wing populists ready to riot shake Chemnitz in the summer of 2018. The trigger is the death of a German-Cuban man. The mood in Chemnitz is tense. How do Jews view the current events in their city? The regular Nazi demonstrations, counter rallies and nationwide reactions? Today there are 600 Jews living in Chemnitz. In 1989 there were twelve. The leader of the Jewish community sees this rebuilding as being in danger.
Excerpt from the jury’s statement
Strong statements, sustainable perspectives – an outstanding journalistic achievement.
Photo credits
Header: iStockphoto / CreVis2