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Nothing but migration? Agenda setting and the pressure on democracy

The livestream took place on January 23, 2025 at 4:30 p.m. at the Mercator Foundation’s ProjectCenter, Neue Promenade 6, 10178 Berlin.

Participants: Prof. Dr. Nayla Fawzi, Communication scientist specialising in democracy and digital communication at the Institute for Journalism Studies at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz; Shakuntala Banerjee Head of the ZDF main editorial office for politics and current affairs; Christiane Hoffmann, First Deputy Government Spokeswoman; Dr. Julia Reuschenbach, Political scientist , Free University of Berlin; Jona Teichmann, Programme Director Deutschlandradio und Jennifer Wilton, Editor-in-chief of DIE WELT.

Moderation: Dr. Leonard Novy, journalist and Director of the Institute for Media and Communication Policy, Cologne/Berlin.


Here you can find the video of the 2nd CIVIS mediadialogue

Hier sehen Sie den Livestream des CIVIS Mediendialogs

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