CIVIS media conferences since 2005
The CIVIS Media Foundation sees itself as a debate forum and network. It encourages continuous exchange on all aspects of coexistence in the immigration society and its reflection in the media. To this end, it regularly brings together experts from the media, academia and civil society organizations.
For the first time in 1999 and then continually as of 2005, the CIVIS Media Foundation has held annual media conferences and other meetings. The debates serve as instruments for media professionals to leverage self-reflection and for dialogue with society as a whole. They broaden the range of issues beyond the “classic” core questions of integration and move the focus towards new developments in an increasingly diverse society as well as how such developments are portrayed in the media.
What does this diversity actually mean for our understanding of democracy? Which form of community spirit is possible and necessary in view of particularisation and polarisation? Which measures should the media take, especially with regard to its digital outlets and functions? Which arguments can you employ against those who offer a return to a supposedly closed society as a future perspective, often meeting with an alarming resonance?
With its media conference, the CIVIS Media Foundation acts both as a forum for communication and as an initiator. It highlights the interactions between the media, migration and integration in the broader sense. In this way, it helps to structure the debate and form opinions about one of the most urgent issues facing society today.
Header: Luis Quintero from pexels