CIVIS Media Prize 2024
The best programme achievements in TV, radio, internet and cinema that deal with the issues of migration, integration, cultural diversity and – linked to this – social cohesion in Europe are honoured. New 2024: Submission of festival films possible for the first time. All forms of production are eligible. The submitted productions must have been published for the first time between 21.01.2023 and 19.01.2024.
The awards are endowed with a total of EUR 27,000.
CIVIS awards prizes in a total of four fields and in several categories – as the VIDEO AWARD | AUDIO AWARD | YOUNG C. AWARD | CINEMA AWARD (Audience Award).
Awarded will be

The CIVIS TOP AWARD additionally honors the best production of the year from the AUDIO, VIDEO and YOUNG C. sections. No direct entries can be accepted for the CIVIS TOP AWARD. If the TOP AWARD is won, the endowment for the individual prize of 2,000 EURO will be waived.
Prize money: 15,000 EURO

The CIVIS AUDIO AWARD is awarded to German language audio- or radio programmes from within the EU or Switzerland – it is divided into categories for short programmes (up to six minutes), long programmes (between six minutes and 120 minutes max.) and Podcasts. All forms of production are eligible. All radio stations and online providers of audio features within the EU and Switzerland can submit entries to the competition.
The submitted podcasts must be accessible online during the observation period of the call for entries from 19.01.2024 to 15.03.2024. They must not change during this time. Accessibility is crucial: all podcasts must be accessible in German with the exact web address (URL).
Prize money per category: 2,000 EURO

The CIVIS VIDEO AWARD is awarded to TV and online productions in the categories >Information< (non-fiction), >Entertainment< (fiction) and Social media formats (moving image). All forms of production are eligible. All TV broadcasters, TV production companies, streaming services and providers of online videos from within the EU and Switzerland can submit entries to the competition.
The submitted social media formats (moving images) must be accessible online during the observation period of the call for entries from 19.01.2024 to 15.03.2024. They must not change during this time. The decisive factor is the Accessibility is the key criterion: all social media formats (moving images) must be accessible in German or English, stating the exact webaddress (URL).
Prize money per category: 2,000 EURO

The YOUNG C. AWARD is presented for productions in film, television and the Internet. All forms of production are eligible. Age limit: Participants may not be older than 38 years of age.
All TV broadcasters, TV production companies and providers of online videos (web videos) can submit entries. All film and TV schools, journalism schools, academies and universities for journalism, communications and media in the EU and Switzerland may enter. All rights to the production submitted must have been secured.
The submitted social media formats (moving images) must be accessible online during the observation period of the call for entries from 19.01.2024 to 15.03.2024. They must not change during this time. The decisive factor is the
Accessibility is the key criterion: all social media formats (moving images) must be accessible in German or English, stating the exact webaddress (URL).
Prize money: 2,000 EURO

The CIVIS CINEMA AWARD is awarded for European feature films shown in German cinemas which address the issues of migration, integration, cultural diversity – linked to this – social cohesion. All film productions from the EU and Switzerland are eligible for entry. Direct entries are not permitted. CIVIS will nominate three to five films for audience voting online. With attractive prizes for participants.
Prize money: The award is not subject to prize money. The award winners are the director* and the producer* of the film chosen by the audience.
Header: CIVIS Media Foundation/ Bernhard Ludewig | edited