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Public service broadcasting and the diversity of perspectives

Presentation of the study and panel discussion

To what extent do different perspectives on political and social issues shape the reporting of public service broadcasting (ÖRR)? Which perspectives of diverse population groups are – or should be – particularly important for the diversity of perspectives in public service broadcasting? What role does this play for citizens’ trust in the ÖRR? Like other journalistic offerings, it is losing trust, which is a worrying development for democracy. Can it be stopped by the ÖRR setting more varied accents?

These were the questions guiding the 1st CIVIS Media Dialogue, which was organized by the CIVIS Media Foundation together with the Mercator Foundation. Starting point of the dialogue was a new academic study that takes a close look at the diversity of perspectives in ÖRR news formats, a subject of intense debate for some time now.

The study was carried out by Professor Dr. Marcus Maurer and his team from the Institute for Journalism Studies at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Die von der Stiftung Mercator kofinanzierte Studie basiert auf einer Medieninhaltsanalyse, in der die Perspektivenvielfalt der Nachrichtenformate des ÖRR ausführlich empirisch untersucht wurde.

Click here for the results report.

Moderation: Dr. Leonard Novy, journalist and Director of the Institute for Media and Communication Policy, Cologne
Location: ProjektZentrum Berlin of the Mercator Foundation, Neue Promenade 6, 10178 Berlin

10:00WelcomeFerdos Forudastan Managing Director CIVIS Media Foundation and Christiane von Websky Head of Participation and Cohesion at Stiftung Mercator
10:10PresentationProfessor Dr. Marcus Maurer Presentation of the study on the diversity of perspectives of ÖRR news formats
11:00Panel discussionStefan Brandenburg Editor-in-Chief WDR News

Stefan Locke FAZ correspondent for Saxony and Thuringia

Bettina Schausten Editor-in-Chief ZDF

Nadia Zaboura Communication scientist and media critic
12:30End of the event