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CIVIS Media Prize 2022

Selection committee

The jury members from left to right.

Maja Ellmenreich

Deutschlandfunk | Cultural Editor

Najima El Moussaoui (Chair)

Freelance Journalist | Filmmaker (ARD, ntv et al.)

Borhan Akid

Borhan Akid WDR | PG Current Affairs, Europe and Foreign Affairs | Trainee

Aurelie von Blazekovic

Aurelie von Blazekovic Freelance Journalist (Süddeutsche Zeitung et al.)

Prof. Dr. Tanjev Schultz

Prof. Dr. Tanjev Schultz Professor at Journalism Department and Institute for Journalism,

Andrea Dernbach

DER TAGESSPIEGEL | Political Reporter

Prof. Dr. Haci-Halil Uslucan

Prof. Dr. Haci-Halil Uslucan Center for Turkish Studies and Integration Research | Scientific Director; University of Duisburg-Essen/Faculty of Humanities; Professor of Modern Turkish Studies

Ferdos Forudastan

CIVIS Media Foundation | Executive Director

Jury Information & Entertainment

The jury members from left to right.

Bakel Walden

SRG | Director Development and Supply

Shakuntala Banerjee

ZDF Capital Studio | Deputy Director

Dr. Udo Grätz

WDR | Deputy Editor-in-Chief Television, Head of Domestic Affairs

Dr. Pia Gerber

Freudenberg Foundation | Managing Director

Dr. Markus Nievelstein

Arte | Managing Director Arte Germany

Dunja Ramadan

Süddeutsche Zeitung | Editor

Igor E. Bergant

RTV Slovenia | TV Anchorman >ODMEVI<

Dr. hc. Roger de Weck (Chairman)

Journalist, Author

Buket Alakus

Film director, screenwriter

Ferdos Forudastan

CIVIS Media Foundation | Executive Director

Jury Social Media

The jury members from left to right.

Arkadij Khaet

Film Academy Baden-Württemberg | Student Film and Direction, Author

Susanne Sturm

MDR | Head of Editorial Department Religion & Society

Kyo Mali Jung

ZDF | funk, format developer and editor frontal, Head of Content YouTube

Bernd Knopf

Federal Chancellery | Commissioner for Integration, Media consultant

Schiwa Schlei (Chair)

WDR | Head of >COSMO< Program, Head of ARD Partner Management

Thembi Wolf

VICE | Editor, Chairperson Neue Deutsche Medienmacher*innen

Eva Deinert

BR | Digital Journalist and Innovation Manager, Program Directorate Information, Digital Developments and Social Media

Ferdos Forudastan

CIVIS Media Foundation | Executive Director