CIVIS Media Prize 2021
Selection committee

The jury members from left to right.
Najima El Moussaoui
Freelance Journalist | Filmmaker (ARD, ntv et al.)
Dr. Mehmet Ata
Mediendienst Integration | Director
Miodrag Soric (Chair)
Deutsche Welle | Chief Correspondent
Borhan Akid
Borhan Akid WDR | PG Current Affairs, Europe and Foreign Affairs | Trainee
Maja Ellmenreich
Deutschlandfunk | Cultural Editor
Andrea Dernbach
DER TAGESSPIEGEL | Political Reporter
Prof. Dr. Tanjev Schultz
Professor at Department of Journalism and Institute of Journalism at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
Ferdos Forudastan
CIVIS Media Foundation | Executive Director

The jury members from left to right.
Buket Alakus
Film director, screenwriter
Michael Loeb
WDR mediagroup | Head of Management
Nabila Abdel Aziz
BR | Freelance Journalist
Igor E. Bergant
RTV Slovenia | TV Anchorman >>ODMVI<<
Bakel Walden
SRG | Director Development and Supply
Shakuntala Banerjee
ZDF Capital Studio | Deputy Director
Dr. Pia Gerber
Freudenberg Foundation | Managing Director
Dr. hc. Roger de Weck (Chairman)
Journalist, Author
Dr. Markus Nievelstein
Arte | Managing Director Arte Germany
Dr. Udo Grätz
WDR | Stellv. Chefredakteur Fernsehen, Leiter Inland
Ferdos Forudastan
CIVIS Media Foundation | Executive Director
Header: bigstockphoto / Tupungato
Group photos: Screenshots CIVIS