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CIVIS Prize Winners 2022


The winners of the European CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity 2022 have been announced: The main prize of 15,000 euros, the CIVIS TOP AWARD, goes to the documentary Schwarze Adler (Amazon Prime Video | BROADVIEW | ZDF) by author and director Torsten Körner.
The film depicts the story of social prejudice and hostility against black soccer players.
The production is also the winner of the CIVIS VIDEO AWARD in the category Information.
The jury of the CIVIS Media Award explained their decision as follows: “Torsten Körner’s documentary is emotionally moving, journalistically and artistically to the point – the fate of these eagles in the German national jersey gets under the skin.”
The VIDEO AWARD in the Entertainment category goes to authors Paul Mommertz and Magnus Vattrodt with Die Wannseekonferenz (ZDF | Constantin Television).
Fitore Muzaqi, Henrik Schütz and Stefanie Vollmann win with Meine Narbe: Martin war Häftling in einem syrischen Foltergefängnis (WDR COSMO | bildband Film & Fernsehproduktion) in the category VIDEO AWARD/Social-Media-Format.
The CIVIS AUDIO AWARD in the category long programs goes to Sebastian Friedrich for Der letzte Tag.
Das Attentat von Hanau (Deutschlandradio | Deutschlandfunk Kultur | WDR | NDR).
The race in the short programs category goes to Alexander Moritz with Information in the Morning: Coalition Dispute in Saxony over Deportation of Well-Integrated Georgian Families (Deutschlandradio | Deutschlandfunk).
The winners of the audience award CIVIS AUDIO AWARD Podcast are the authors Fabian Grieger and Jonas Seufert with Zweidrittel FM – Season 1 Gibt es Freundschaft im Gefängnis?
Episode 4.
Anna-Sophia Richard wins with LOS CUATRO VIENTOS (THE FOUR WINDS) (Giganten Film Produktions GmbH | SWR | Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg) the YOUNG C. AWARD.
The audience award CIVIS CINEMA AWARD goes to director Sönke Wortmann and producers Christoph Müller and Tom Spieß for the film Contra (Constantin Film Produktion | SevenPictures Film).
Europe’s most important media award for integration and cultural diversity is presented during a TV broadcast. From Sunday, June 5, the broadcast will be available in the ARD Mediathek, and on Monday, June 6, at 11:35 p.m., ARD/Das Erste will broadcast the award ceremony.
Anna Dushime will conduct the award ceremony. Laudators are: former German President Joachim Gauck, actors Melika Foroutan, Bjarne Mädel, Mariele Millowitsch and Tyron Ricketts, choreographer and author Nikeata Thompson, moderator Esther Sedlaczek, author and activist Gianni Jovanovic. Their tributes will be played into the broadcast.

The same applies to contributions from partners of the CIVIS Media Foundation, whose activities include the organization of the CIVIS Media Prize: Tom Buhrow, Chairman of the CIVIS Board of Trustees and WDR Director-General, Andreas Freudenberg, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Freudenberg Foundation, Reem Alabali-Radovan, Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism, Intendants Peter Limbourg (Deutsche Welle) and Stefan Raue (Deutschlandradio), Directors General Roland Weißmann (ORF) and Gilles Marchand (SRG SSR), Minu Barati-Fischer (Producers Alliance) and Christiane von Websky (Stiftung Mercator).
Nearly 800 programs from 20 EU countries and Switzerland were represented in the competition for the CIVIS Media Prize. CIVIS is Europe’s most important media prize for integration and cultural diversity. It has been awarded in various categories since 1988. The CIVIS Media Prize is under the patronage of the European Parliament.

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